a European village, larger cottages than our plans but representative
A Sanctuary
Isleby is a non-profit Christian organization supporting evangelists, ministers and missionaries through a network of small guest properties. We will offer evangelists and ministers complimentary accommodations with a Christian atmosphere for repose, renewal, fellowship and finding sanctuary.
We will offer missionaries on furlough or returning home from abroad a place for transition while awaiting permanent residence. This service may require sponsorship from a church or we may offer gratis accommodations at our discretion. Read more about our residents [here].
And He said to them, 'Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while.' For there were many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat. Mark 6:31 NASB
Guest ResidencesA Village of Cottages and Brownstones
a small hamlet with several cottages
Our guest cottages are inspired by European villages, country hamlets and brownstone townhomes facing narrow streets. Our guest residences will form small villages comprised of cottages and Brownstone-style townhomes. The architecture might resemble French Provincial, Tudor Revival, Normandy or Storybook styles. Every property will incorporate reminders of the Scriptures and Christianity on pathways, garden walls and fences, gazebos, signs and doorposts.
A Local Network of Properties
a network of closely connected properties: [l] rural , [m] suburban, [r] urban
We intend to establish three closely-connected properties within a few miles of one another and functioning together as a whole; a network of estates comprised of rural, suburban and urban locations. Guests will reside at one location, but may move about freely to experience the amenities and venues at each property.
Rural Estate Concept: located a few miles outside city limits, on 5 to 10 acres with several clusters of cottages resembling small villages. Our plans call for an office, chapel, central dining hall and cafe, secluded gardens and walking paths, outbuildings and agriculture operations. Perhaps we will have a few horses, cattle or sheep.
Suburban Village Concept: 8-12 cottages on 2 to 5 acres, flower and vegetable gardens. A chapel, cafe or small conference hall are options.
Urban Property Concept: 1/2 to 2 acres with tightly grouped cottages or connected townhomes, narrow stone walkways, secluded flower gardens and outdoor sanctuaries with water features. A small chapel or conference venue are options.
rural or suburban 5 acre concept
Isleby Headquarters
potential locations for Isleby headquarters and area of influence
Our first facility will be a headquarters, flagship estate and standard for future locations. We are considering Florence, AL, Evansville, IN, Cincinnati, OH and Wheeling, WV as potential locations.
As we are in the people business we anticipate meeting new neighbors, forging relationships and cultivating fresh ground. Our long-term plans are to develop estates and grow our ministry into the remaining three cities.
Isleby Residents
We primarily provide accommodations gratis or discounted to evangelists, ministers and missionaries. When available and in support of our ministry we will offer accommodations at competitive rates to church administrators and leaders, remote workers and guests at large.
If plans mature for a chapel, conference hall and cafe-dining room, we anticipate hosting special church services, weddings, small conferences, workshops, seminars and retreats.
For where two or three are gathered together for My name, there I am in their midst. Mat 18:20